Our team believes in sharing our ideas to help achieve a vivid future for future generations of robotics and STEM. Our accomplishments derive locally to internationally. Team 9016 members volunteer and contribute their time throughout the school year and the summer. Below is a list of all our outreaches!
Team 9016 strives for opportunities to connect with and support the ever-growing STEM community! Over the summer of 2022, our team members volunteered at Arumdaun Church to teach the youth with a fiery passion for robotics. After four weeks of making connections and teaching, one can only say how much fun we had while forming trusting and understanding relationships.
The Syosset SuperSonics gave an orientation for a robotics workshop at the Gurukul High School and Vidyapeeth College in Dharampur, India. The students came from rural villages in hopes to learn more about the world of engineering and STEM!
This outreach in India was conducted through SLRC (otherwise known as Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care). SLRC is an initiative of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur to help the lives of underserved sections of society. SLRC's holistic community support programs are powered by empathy, love, care, and highly motivated volunteers. Even now, they continue to strive for the welfare of the community.
At the Syosset High School Carnival, we were allowed to demonstrate our "robot shooter" project, proudly designed for others to experience. With prizes on the line, challengers had to use a remote controller to aim a pickleball to gather points through various-sized holes. We had the opportunity to talk to so many amazing people as well. Many young students and parents were interested to learn more about robotics which was very exciting for us. Through the Syosset HS Carnival, we were able to share our love for robotics to our entire community.
During the summer, our team was able to volunteer at Pronto summer camp, where we taught kids of all ages the basics of robotics! We ran two different classes for different age groups. The first group got to experience using the mbots to manually and autonomously control it through various challenges. The second group was able to use the AirBlock drones and also code them through different tasks. We were also able to demonstrate what the drones could do with a little presentation toward the end!
Our team had the amazing opportunity to attend the Half Hollow Hills Invitational for the first time this year! As a rookie team, we gained a huge amount of knowledge and experience from this event due to the gracious help of other teams. During this invitational, we were able to get our robot chassis running for the first time, which was a huge milestone! We are so excited for the years to come where we will be participated along side these amazing teams.
Our team was graciously invited to mentor our school's freshman FTC robotics team, Syborgs! We've had the amazing opportunity to help them grow as a team and teach them the ins and outs of robotics. Since many of our members came from FTC teams in the past, we were thrilled to be able to share our knowledge and experience.
Our team was able to talk to members of our community and spread the values of STEM. Through the three google meet sessions, we presented a slideshow talking about FIRST Robotics as well as the robotics program at Syosset High School. We hope that the parents of our future roboticists had a great time and were provided insight on how amazing our program really is!
Our team teaches multiple 4th and 5th-grade classes at our district's elementary schools. We have been graciously welcomed to teach at our district's four elementary schools. We were able to teach the students about the FIRST ideals, working together as a team, and programming through a maze.
Using mbots, or educational robots, we were able to teach multiple 4th and 5th-grade students how to control the robot as well as code it. The team created multiple different mazes created with building blocks that the kids were able to program themselves through it. They also had the opportunity to work with the SySTEM Robotics class robots which allowed them to get a feel for what their future robotics career at Syosset could entail.