Regal Rampage, created by the local team Regal Eagles, was an extremely successful competition for the team! With the support of the other FRC teams, we were able to learn how competitions work and share resources! In the end, the team took home the Gracious Professionalism award, voted by all the teams, for graciously supporting teams during the competition!
Since the season began, our team has made it a tradition to have team dinners twice a week during our nightly meetings. Through this, our team has had the opportunity to learn more about each other through casual conversations and delicious food!
Our team had the privilege to visit our district's elementary schools to teach STEM and introduce the opportunities of FLL! Visiting over 12 times, we were able to impact over 1000 students and share the values of FIRST.
A support network among FRC teams to troubleshoot and learn from each other!